Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Don't Ask - Don't Tell. Probably A Good Idea

I have mixed feelings on this one. For starters, I am not homophobic, so someone serving openly gay in the military doesn't bother me. I used to be in the Army. What does bother me is the liberal folks pushing this thing through thinking everything is going to be flowers and rainbows when someone comes out while they are serving.

Did I mention that I was in the Army? There are people in the military that will take great (see deadly) exception to serving with openly gay service personnel. How many young gay men will have to die at the hands of some small minded prejudiced homophobes before we realize that the Don't Ask, Don't Tell was probably a good idea?

Just sayin....


  1. As a gay many who did not serve, I appreciate your opinion and your service. I would ask one thing: Would the majority of people rather serve knowing a friend and comrade is gay, or that they are a self-centered person full of hate for fellow soldiers because of who they're sexually attracted to? Most gay men who chose to serve did so knowing they would never be able to be honest about one core aspect of themselves. But their drive to serve was greater than their fear of being found out. I would hope that anyone who has legitimate issues with homosexuals would also have enough drive to serve to override their hatred.

  2. Dwayne,

    Thanks and welcome to my small corner of the internet. I believe that there are many (see majority) serving who would welcome an openly gay brother in arms. I also saw some real ass holes while I was serving who would relish in bashing someone because they were different. My point of my post was for everyone to not be surprised if there are reports in the news about military gay bashing. Like I said, wouldn't bother me in the least because anyone willing to fight by my side was ok by me.
