Thursday, September 5, 2013

Affordable Care Act Lies

Thank You President Obama and the millions that voted for you. I have just received a letter from Humana on 9/4/2013 notifying me of the improvements to my insurance thanks to the "Affordable" Care Act.

According to, the benefits I should be receiving from the "Affordable" Care Act include;

  • Lower Cost On Coverage
  • Essential Health Benefits
  • Pre-Existing Condition Coverage

I would also like to point out that on states that The Affordable Care Act will bring down the cost of health care;

The Affordable Care Act will help bring down the cost of health care.

The health policy experts and economists who have looked at this legislation have said we are pursuing every possible mechanism to reduce health care costs. The Congressional Budget Office found that health insurance reform will reduce the deficit by $210 billion in this decade and by more than $1 trillion over the following 10 years. And a family of four would save as much as $2,300 on their premiums in 2014 compared to what they would have paid without reform. also promises that Businesses will not suffer under Health Reform;

Health insurance reform lowers costs for American businesses - especially small businesses - who are struggling to remain profitable and competitive under the status quo. The independent Congressional Budget Office confirmed that the bill would lower health insurance premiums for the same insurance plan by up to 4 percent for small businesses and 3 percent for large businesses, and estimates indicate that reform could save businesses $2,000 per person in health costs.

You see, I am a small business owner. My wife and I have run our own businesses since 2002 and during that time we have given jobs to roughly 20 people off and on. Back in 2005, we employed 8 people and paid for medical and dental insurance for the employee and spouse. We actually paid 100% for the employee and offered a reduced price for spouses and children. My wife and I maintain/pay for our own policy through Humana and have even considered offering benefits to our employees with our newest businesses.  Now that we have received this eye opening example of how the "Affordable" Care Act is going to help us, I doubt I will be able to afford insurance for our employees.

Here is what Humana is telling me about my policy becoming ACA compliant in 2014 and my choices;

Here's the reality of what the "Affordable" Care Act is doing for small business owners who pay for their own insurance. Below, is an actual snippet from a letter I received 9/4/2013 explaining to me what my new policy is going to look like in 2014;

My Policy Increases by Roughly 38%

As you can see from the above, my new "Affordable" policy changes a great deal between now and 2014.

  1. My In Network Deductible for an individual increases by almost triple my current amount (roughly 280%)
  2. My Prescription Deductible increases by 300%
  3. My In Network Co-Insurance increases by 250%
  4. My Overall Policy Monthly Premium increases by roughly 38%

Oddly enough, Humana has given me an option to either maintain my existing policy as is until December 30, 2014 or jump right on board with my new "Affordable" policy first thing January 1 2014. I don't get it. Why wait? Bend me over and stick it to me now! That must be what America wants, why else would we have elected you to a second term!

Thanks Obama and all of you who voted to implement this new "Affordable" Care Act. I am seriously tempted to quit paying for insurance and self insure, but wait, I understand I could be fined for that?

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